Autumn Lawn Care

By the end of the summer lawns are in need of some maintenance and looking after. Autumn is the time to treat the lawn and prepare it for the seasons ahead. Hot sun, little rainfall and general wear and tear all take their toll, but by following our easy guide you can prepare your lawn for the seasons ahead.


Remove thatch (a collection of dead grass, debris and old moss that can
prevent vital fertiliser and water from penetrating the roots of the
grass) by scarifying which is a process of raking the lawn.  This can be
done with a lawn scarifier, or even a garden rake. 


Good aeration is the key to a well maintained lawn and will help it
survive through conditions such as drought or water logging.  A spike aerator or hollow tine aerator can be used to do this which will allow
more air, nutrients and water to reach the grass roots.  Aiding drainage
will mean there will be less moss in the lawn. 

Top Dressing

When the lawn is dry apply a top dressing evenly over the surface of the
lawn at two litres per square metre.  With a stiff broom or the
back of a rake brush the top dressing firmly into the surface and water
well.   Applying this top dressing will improve soil structure and
encourage strong root development.

Apply Autumn Lawn Feed & Moss Killer

After treating the lawn the next step is to apply the autumn lawn feed
to ensure that strong grass roots continue to grow throughout the
winter.  Apply this when the weather is fair, the soil moist and the
grass is frost free and dry between early September and mid November
using a lawn spreader to ensure even application. The high potash and
phosphates content in the autumn feed will better protect the grass from icy conditions and frost unlike high nitrogen spring/summer feeds that
encourage soft top growth that is easily damaged by frosts.  We
recommend EverGreen® Autumn Lawn Care Feed & Moss Killer with added seaweed sourced from sustainable resources and iron sulphate.


Fallen leaves that provide habitable shelter for garden pests as well
as suffocate the lawn should be raked and removed when the weather is
dry.  The leaves can be added to the compost heap to rot down and make natural conditioner for next year's flower beds.

When possible avoid walking on the lawn during autumn and winter. 

Please ask a member of our trained staff if you require assistance with your lawn care.

Click here to visit our Lawn Care page.